This service is offered to residents of Nunavik and the James Bay region only.

    Name of the owner of the animal

    Phone number

    Address (complete)


    Name of the animal


    Breed (if known)

    Age or date of birth (if known)

    Weight if known


    Has your pet bitten or been bitten in the past 6 months?

    Vaccine status (what vaccines received and when)

    Description of the problem (location, duration, contagiousness, treatment tried, evolution, etc.)

    Does your pet drink and eat normally? What does your pet eat daily? Specify:

    Is your pet taking medication for any other reason? If yes, give details:

    Attaching files (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, docx, ppt or pptx)

    Maximum 2 MB per file

    Please send us your video files of 20 MB maximum by email to

    Other relevant information or comments