The hospitalisation of an injured bird can last from one day to as long as one year depending on the seriousness of the injury. The quality of the care and of the facilities is of capital importance to see our mission through and to prevent many problems associated with captivity. Since the birds of prey Clinic cannot charge any of its costs to an owner, it operates on the basis of the Good Samaritan.
The Birds of prey clinic collects donation to allow it to thrive and assure the high quality of care needed for these animals. A donor recognition program has been established by the Faculty of veterinary medicine of the University of Montreal. Many types of recognitions are possible depending on the nature of the donation.
To make a donation or to obtain more information regarding a donation, please contact the development Bureau of the Faculty of veterinary medicine by phone (450-773-8521 extension 8552) or by email. Please do not forget to specify your interest for the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire and to identify the service or area of interest to which you would like to make a donation.