IR procedure

ROYAL CANIN® Canada’s $1M Donation Funds New Veterinary Centre of Excellence

A new Centre of Excellence for Minimally Invasive Procedures (CEMIP) will be established at Université de Montréal’s veterinary school in Saint-Hyacinthe, thanks to a $1-million donation from pet food manufacturer Royal Canin Canada The Centre will specialize in treatment and veterinary education in minimally invasive procedures, an increasingly popular medical option that includes interventional radiology…

A first blood drive CHUV – CABB!

A first blood drive CHUV – CABB! On March 31st, the CHUV held its first blood drive as part of its collaboration with the Canadian Animal Blood Bank.  Nine dogs accompanied by their generous owners took park in what could potentially save 36 dog lives!  Dr. Marie-Claude Blais took advantage of the occasion to inform…

Treatment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy by prosthetic laryngoplasty

Treatment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy by prosthetic laryngoplasty The Equine Surgery Service is pleased to offer our clientele a novel surgical approach for the treatment of recurrent laryngeal neuropathy: prosthetic laryngoplasty.Recurrent laryngeal neuropathy (laryngeal hemiplegia) is a disease affecting the horse’s upper airways. This disease usually affects larger horses. In the larynx, a nerve dysfunction…

Recent purchase of state-of-the-art equine dentistry equipment

Recent purchase of state-of-the-art equine dentistry equipment   The Equine Hospital has recently purchased a dental endoscope as well as several high precision German dental instruments that will allow us to perform a standing extraction technique by intradental screw placement. Equine teeth were traditionally extracted under general anesthesia by repulsion. According to a Cornell University…

A new surgical procedure offered at the Equine Hospital

158A new surgical procedure offered at the Equine Hospital   On February 8th, Dr. Sheila Laverty, Dipl. ACVS, Equine Surgery Professor and the direction of the CHUV welcomed Dr. Elizabeth Santschi, Dipl. ACVS, professor of equine surgery at Kansas State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, Manhattan, to train our equine surgery team in a new surgical…

A first: a pacemaker implanted transvenously on a donkey

A first: a pacemaker implanted transvenously on a donkey   The cardiology team of the Centre hospitalier universitaire vétérinaire of Saint-Hyacinthe, in collaboration with the Small Animal Surgery, Equine Internal Medicine, Equine Surgery, Anesthesia and Medical Imaging services performed the implantation of a pacemaker on a donkey. This technique, a fluoroscopy-guided transvenous implantation had not…

The Equine Surgery Service acquires a stifle standing arthroscopy diagnostic unit

The Equine Surgery Service acquires a stifle standing arthroscopy diagnostic unit   Last May, the Equine Surgery Service of the CHUV became the first in Canada to offer standing stifle diagnostic exams through the acquisition of a new  ©Needleview arthroscopy equipment. This will certainly have a significant impact on the procedures carried out by this service in the future. Indeed, the…