Equine Internal Medicine Service

Internal medicine is a specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and complex systemic disorders affecting the horse.

The Internal Medicine Service offers consultations for a wide range of medical conditions and works closely with other services such medical imaging, surgery, anesthesiology or theriogenology as well as with the Diagnostics Service of the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire to enable quick and accurate results.

The Internal Medicine team consists of specialists certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Our specialists are recognized worldwide for their expertise in their field of practice and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in equine health by their research.

  • Infectious, allergic and cancerous diseases
  • Breathing problems (upper respiratory tract and lung)
  • Gastrointestinal disorders (colic, diarrhea, gastric ulcers)
  • Neurological and muscular disorders
  • Cardiovascular disorders
  • Endocrine and haematological disorders
  • Renal and urinary disorders
  • Health problems of geriatric patients

Many sports medicine and exercise intolerance cases are also covered by the internal medicine team, as well as dermatologic problems.

The Internal Medicine Service may also perform blood, plasma or botulinic plasma transfusions if necessary.

The neonatal intensive care unit receives more than a hundred foals per year, most accompanied by their mother. Because every minute counts, our team is available to receive emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Many reasons can lead the client to consult our team, monitoring high-risk pregnancies or during early foaling, neonatal infections, neonatal maladjustment, orphan foals, contagious diseases or other. The neonatology unit works with specialists from various services throughout the Equine Hospital to provide primary care at the highest level to the foal and mother.

The Internal Medicine Service benefits from the support of ultramodern diagnostic tools for different types of exams:

  • Bronchoalveolar and tracheal washes
  • Respiratory evaluation by static videoendoscopy on treadmill
  • Respiratory evaluation by dynamic videoendoscopy, on horseback or on training track
  • Gastroscopy and intestinal absorption studies
  • Thoracic, abdominal and cardiac ultrasounds
  • Digital x-rays
  • Ultrasound guided, endobronchial or digestive biopsies
  • Continuous electrocardiography (ECG) by telemetry
  • Cerebrospinal fluid punctures (CSF)
  • Magnetic resonance imaging and CT scans for certain neurological, infectious, dental or sinus abnormalities
  • Diagnostic Service on site (hematology, biochemistry, cytology, bacteriology, molecular biology, virology, parasitology, serology, etc.)
  • Etc.
Intensive care unit
  • Personnel on site and videosurveillance camera system in each box
  • Winch and sling support for neurological cases


Neonatal unit
  • Mare-foal boxes with removable safety barrier and oxygen delivery system
  • Foaling monitoring system
  • Plasma reserve for transfer of passive immunity
Isolation unit

Compliance with a strict biosecurity protocol allows us to ensure the safety of our patients against the risk of propagation of contagious diseases.

  • Access by sas (exclusive door system with strict biosecurity measures)
  • Independent ventilation system
  • Camera system in each box
  • Winch for neurological cases
  • Dr. Daniel Jean
  • Dr. Mathilde Leclère




  • Dr. Aurélie Amar
  • Dr. Patricia Arnaiz Saura
  • Dr. Clara Raïsky
  • Dr. Camille Ruault


Specialized Intern
  • Dr. Khadija- Ayadi
Veterinary technicians
  • Sarah Lachapelle
  • Andréanne Lachance
  • Dominique Mitchell Carrière
  • Yves Quintal