Equine Field Service

The Equine Field Service is composed of 3 veterinarians who are regularly accompanied by veterinary medicine students. The team offers its services straight from your stable. The service makes over 2000 visits every year and has access to two trucks equipped with state-of-the-art equipment such as numerical x-rays and ultrasounds as well as endoscopes.

24 hours a day, 365 days a year emergency services

  • Lameness evaluation
  • Pre-purchase examination
  • Portable numerical imagery
  • Laboratory analysis
  • Examination for insurance purposes
  • Etc.

Preventive Medicine

  • Dentistry
  • Health management
  • Vaccination
  • Deworming
  • Etc.

Curative medicine

  • General medicine
  • Surgery


  • Examination
  • Diagnostics
  • Follow-up
  • Dr. Héloïse Seube
  • Dr. Amélie Doucet
Veterinary Technician
  • Sarah Lachapelle

The Equine Field Service serves the municipalities in a radius of approximately 75 km from the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire, in Saint-Hyacinthe. Appointments must be made directly with the Equine Hospital admission’s service.